Frequently Asked Questions

I’ll answer your questions!

I love to communicate with you and I love to read your e-mails! Unfortunately, I can’t promise to get back to you all the time or in a short time. That doesn’t mean you can’t interact with me on Instagram, Twitter, or even here. It just means that I want to devote as much time as possible to writing and providing this web site. So in this FAQ, I’ll try to answer the most frequently asked questions.

“What’s this website all about?”

It’s a mix of genres, a link between you and me, a place where I can talk to you about everything, about nothing, and about what matters. And of course you can write back.


Because I love to interact and communicate.

“What is The hawthorn souls?”

It’s the first of four books for young adults and my first novel. I’ll tell you more about it in the “NOVELS” section.

“Do you allow me to use pictures/texts of yours?”

All images, texts and illustrations on this blog are my property, protected by the French Intellectual Property Code and subject to legal deposit with a sworn organization. Any reproduction, distribution and/or use without my prior consent will be prosecuted.
This is my work. Please respect it. So that I can continue to share it with you.

“The Hathorn’s Souls” will be available at my bookstore soon?”

Hopefully, I’m working hard on it… And of course, I’ll keep you posted.

“How did you start writing?”

It’s hard to say. I’ve always imagined a lot of stories, and it started when I was very young. Later, I’d spend hours searching the shelves of bookstores for a book like the one I’d imagined, but I’d never find it. I’ve been doodling here and there since I was a little girl. But it was while drawing and writing for a French manga fanzine called “Brebis Or Not Brebis” that I realized I wanted to do just that: “write”. But between knowing and taking the risk, there’s the fear of necessity and a lot of very human reasons. So years passed. And in 2011 I decided to give it a try. I gave up my “career” as a real estate agent. I said goodbye to job security in order to be me, to have no regrets, and to follow what I believe is my path. Since then, words and I have had a full-time relationship, a married life, a “routine” that I can’t live without.

“Can you read my short story/book/poetry (unpublished)?”

I’m sorry, but no, I can’t. For legal reasons. And because if I did it for one, I’d have to do it for everyone, and I wouldn’t have time for my own writing.

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